Mobile Physical Therapy San Diego

Your Path to Recovery at Your Doorstep with In-Home Physical Therapy

Personalized Therapy

Discover In-Home Physical Therapy Excellence in San Diego

Are you tired of dealing with the hassle of traveling to a physical therapy clinic in San Diego? Does your busy schedule make it challenging to prioritize your recovery? We understand. Life's demands can sometimes get in the way of your health and well-being. At PMA Mobile Physical Therapy San Diego, we acknowledge these common issues that many of our clients face.

Low back pain and Sciatica Physical Therapy San Diego

Discover the Benefits of Mobile Therapy in San Diego

  • Convenience: Mobile therapy eliminates the need to travel to a clinic, saving time and reducing the hassle associated with commuting to appointments.

  • Personalized Care: Patients receive one-on-one attention in the comfort of their own environment, allowing for more personalized and focused therapy sessions.

  • Flexibility: Mobile therapy can often accommodate patients' schedules better, including evenings and weekends, making it easier to fit therapy into their busy lives.

  • Reduced Wait Times: Mobile therapy typically involves shorter wait times compared to traditional clinic-based therapy, ensuring timely access to care.

  • Privacy and Comfort: Patients can receive therapy in a familiar and comfortable setting, which can enhance their comfort level and willingness to engage in therapy.

What You Can Expect

By choosing our specialized back pain physical therapy services with Dr. Adam Krause, DPT, you can look forward to partnering with a skilled and compassionate expert well-versed in treating back pain issues. Dr. Krause will take the time to understand your unique circumstances, building a foundation of trust and crafting a personalized treatment approach.

Through this collaborative journey, you'll tackle your concerns, improve your stability, and equip yourself with effective symptom management techniques.

Together, we will address your concerns and empower yourself with strategies to effectively manage symptoms. Dr. Krause is dedicated to your well-being and will offer guidance at every step.

Get started with PMA, today.


PMA Physical Therapy
2935 Lincoln Ave
San Diego, CA, 92104
619 894 6043